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What makes extended teams better than outsourcing?

Conversion of Temporary Projects into Long-Term Relationships

Generally, there are a lot of clients who outsource certain tasks or projects to companies and when the term of the project ends, it’s goodbye until the next project.

But, an extended team moves onto the next task you have and can take care of project maintenance if necessary. Any new projects can be handled by the extended team. The big benefit here is that development and communication becomes more efficient as you grow your relationship. Resulting in greater work quality and speed. Essentially, long-term relationships become more cost-effective over time.

Prioritize Projects

When your organization used to outsource a project to an outsourcing firm, they will already have several ongoing projects in hand and therefore cannot fully focus on your project. With an extended team model, your task will always be prioritized and it becomes easier to organize schedules and coordinate tasks.

Syncing Teams Together

When it comes to working together as teams, an extended team can be easily integrated into the organization to put its work and efforts in-sync with the in-house team.

Continuous Goals

The goal of a traditional remote or outsourcing team is to make a product and successfully launch it into the market, and that’s it. But, an extended team shares the organizational goals set by their clients, an extended team is invested in an organization’s mission rather than just a single project. That’s why these teams find more job satisfaction and produce better work.

More Transparency, Less Worry

When it comes to getting a tricky task done, managing multiple people assigned to do the same work can be confusing. When outsourcing, your project is prone to mistakes from miscommunication, affecting deadlines and the quality of the final result. With an extended team, you can easily assign, track and communicate with others, while causing minimal disruption.


Since you have complete control of an extended team, you have more flexibility over task completion and task focus. However, if there’s a certain task that needs to be taken care of, it’s really easy to switch priority. If you’d like to start another project, you can simply increase the size of your extended team to meet new requirements.

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