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What are IT Operations Management Functions

As an enterprise organization expands its IT infrastructure and application deployments, IT operations managers take on responsibility for a growing catalog of services. IT Ops are ultimately responsible for ensuring that all services and applications are stable and available for use by the business. To achieve this, ITOM professionals perform management tasks in three key service areas.

Network Infrastructure Management

Networking infrastructure includes all of the equipment necessary to provide internal and external communications for the business. Setting up remote access networks, managing the internal telephone system, regulating communication with external servers via firewalls and maintaining network security are examples of tasks that fall under this category.

Computer Operations & Help Desk

IT operations management includes the management of help desk services, such as incident response, event response and request fulfillment. IT operations managers are also responsible for scheduling and managing data back-ups, communicating information about incidents and network outages to users, controlling the creation and provision of user profiles and system access, and implementing a disaster recovery plan for the IT organization.

Server and Device Management

In addition to administering network infrastructure within the IT organization, IT Operations teams also administer network endpoints such as servers and devices. IT Ops plays a role in the day-to-day management of the servers that host key applications for the business, including maintaining, patching and upgrading servers. IT Ops managers may be responsible for provisioning IT assets (desktops, laptops, tablets, mobile phones, etc.) to users and ensuring that applications have access to the storage space they need to function correctly.

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