(a) Continuous Integration
DevOps: Out-of-the-box
Merge model changes into a version control repository upon task completion. Committing changes triggers the automated build system to grab the latest version from the repository, build, test, and validate the master branch before deploying.
(b) Reusability
Rome wasn’t built in a day, but your app could be
Reusability makes it easy for developers to ramp from one project to another with ease, isolate problems and resolve them quickly for all apps using a component and increase application portfolio quality.
(c) Omni-channel App Development
Build one code base for all devices
Rather than support independent code and tooling for each incompatible target, developers are looking for ways to unify development activities and serve many targets from a single, modular code base.
(d) Openness and Extensibility
Fast integrations, complete control
Responsive development environments support building for any form factor without having to maintain dedicated code or logic. Package and deploy applications in one-click using cloud native architectures and integrated tools for app store publication.
(e) Guaranteed Performance
Go fast without worrying about risk
Built-in automated testing, proactive quality monitoring, and real-time performance management.
(f) Smart and Connected
Access next generation technologies
Connect to IoT, AI, machine learning, blockchain, and cognitive services without needing to be a domain expert.
(g) Deployment
Deploy to the cloud of your choice with just one click
Take advantage of a public cloud that automatically manages application reliability and scalability with simple configuration, reducing cost and effort to maintain infrastructure. Or deploy to a private cloud or on premises for total control.